my queer body

In MY QUEER BODY Tim Miller weaves a funny and emotional “journey from swimming upstream as a queer spermlet at conception to the first kiss to ecstatic visions of homo-sex. A walk around the La Brea Tar Pits and a peek into a volcano reveals some of the secrets that are held in heart and head and dick and breath.”

Hailed as “Funny, deeply moving and utterly compelling!” by the Australia Telegraph, MY QUEER BODY has been acclaimed throughout the world in hundreds of presentations from the Sydney Mardi Gras in Australia to the Schmidt Theater in Hamburg, Germany.

Miller says, “In MY QUEER BODY I am listening to places on my body and speaking their tales. The places of hurt and the places of pleasure. I do this as a way of knowing who I am and to reclaim my flesh and blood from those who would try to control it.”


Many of my full evening shows are now up at NYU Libraries’ Hemispheric Institute Digital Video Library (HIDVL) for FREE streaming, including MY QUEER BODY, NAKED BREATH, STRETCH MARKS and GLORY BOX. You can read more about them here.

Watch MY QUEER BODY from the Hemispheric Institute, on Vimeo, or below.

Below is an excerpt from MY QUEER BODY.

MY QUEER BODY blends autobiographical vignettes, naked sensuality, defiant politics into a ritualistic celebration of gay identity and sexuality.
Funny, deeply moving and utterly compelling!